The Physical Memory Dump error shows when your computer cannot process either a piece of hardware, or software settings – causing it to run slower and with errors. The basic problem with this error is that your computer will be forced to restart, and so it will have to “dump” your settings into a secure set of files on your hard-drive, to prevent any lasting damage to you PC. This means that the “Physical Memory Dump” error is not actually the error your PC has – it’s a bi-product of the issue (much like when you have a cold, and your nose starts getting blocked – the blocked nose is not the problem, it’s the cold virus).
The reason for this error is mainly down to two possible factors – the hardware of your system, and its software settings. It’s used by Windows to protect your computer from becoming permanently damaged from a problem or error that will lead to a “blue screen error” to appear. The specific errors that will cause this issue include:
- Windows will not be able to read the files it requires to run
- Your hardware is incompatible on your system
- Windows will not be able to process the software applications that your system requires
How To Fix The Physical Memory Dump Error
The first step to fix this problem is to make sure the hardware of your system is working correctly. This can be done by restarting your computer, and then pressing F8 before Windows loads up – allowing you to boot into “Safe Mode”. This will allow your system to run without any of the software or drivers that will typically cause problems – safely identifying whether you have a hardware or software error. If you use safe mode for a few minutes, and your PC doesn’t crash, it means that you have software problems. If it does crash, it means you have some sort of hardware problem – and should be taken to a repair shop.
The next step to fix this error is, if you find that it could be a software issue, is to repair any of the problems that your system may have. This can be done by downloading a “registry cleaner” tool from the Internet – which is a software program that’s able to clean out any of the problems that your system will have inside its “registry database”. This database is like the Yellow Pages for your PC, and is where the likes of your desktop wallpaper, most recent emails and even your passwords are kept. Although it may sound trivial, the registry is continually being damaged & corrupted – leading to a large number of issues that will prevent it from functioning properly. This is one of the main causes of problems for your system, and consequently needs to be repaired as effectively as possible – which is best done with a registry cleaner tool.