Find Bandwidth and Connectivity For Dedicated Hosting Service in Hosting Directory

To run a web site successfully and efficiently the concept of bandwidth and connectivity is very important. Bandwidth refers to the data transfer rate or the amount of data sharing source to destination in particular time period. This is generally measured by bits per second. This is very essential one run a web site successfully. The speed of your web site is also based on the bandwidth and connectivity. There are three types methods used to measure the data sharing rate. Namely,

  • 95th Line speed
  • Top line
  • Total data transfer

95th Line speed

The line speed will be billed on the 95th percentile for average or peak usage. It refers to the speed of the data sharing from server to client device. The line-speed is measured in bits per second.

Top Line

The second bandwidth measurement is the unmeasured service. It measures by the cap or control the top line speed for a server. Unmeasured bandwidth provides high-speed data sharing compared to first type. This service will be provided based on some additional charges.

Total data transfer

Some of the leading hosting providing companies calculate bandwidth in total data transferred method. It refers to the actual data transfer from source to destination or the amount of incoming and outgoing data. This type is measured in bytes. This is type of measurement between providers varies. The both line and top line measured in bits per second unlike total data transfer.

One of the main reasons for choosing dedicated server is the availability of high-powered networking services from multiple providers. The dedicated server providing massive amount of bandwidth for web sites based on monthly payment system. This is most powerful mechanism compare to all other service and it will be high-speed one for web site.

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